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Totally Real Music – Yellow App

Listen to AI music

Totally Real Music is a free player for AI generated content, entirely curated by users like you, from publicly available videos in YouTube*

Add music right from your browser

 AI music is real music

AI-generated music by fans has introduced a new era of musical expression, participation and potential disruption. As these tools evolve, they will continue to change how music is created, shared and valued – potentially leading to a more inclusive and diverse musical culture.

Totally Real Music believes that AI empowers individuals to not only appreciate, but also to actively participate in the creation of music, blurring the lines between artist and audience.

Totally Real Music Dog

* YouTube is a registered trademark of Google LLC, Totally Real Music claims no affiliation to YouTube and all music tracks and videos available through the app are the intellectual property of their respective owners as identified by YouTube. Our platform merely facilitates access to this music; we claim no rights over the tracks, videos and any other content facilitated by YouTube.